Friday, January 11, 2013


My last post was about visions for this new year and the future that awaits me. One of the underlined words in my visions is grow. I believe that as long as your heart beats there is room for growth. Perfection will never be achieved on earth, but there is nothing wrong with living your life constantly seeking improvement or as I stated growth. 

2012 was a year of growth for me. I experienced losses, gains, heartache, love, and so much growth. Only two and a half months into a new job that I thought was going to help me grow my career I was told that our company, a company that had been doing business in the Virgin Islands for over 60 years was officially shutting down. I was part of the team that had to share that news with people who's livelihood relied on the company, people who grew up with parents who worked for and retired with that company and passed on the torch to them. This was probably one of the most difficult situations that I have had to face. From this, I grew. 
The experience that I was hoping to gain was redirected into an experience that not many will ever have and for that I am beyond grateful. 

In the three years that I was back home I lost relationships that I thought would last forever, but built new ones with people whom have been in my life when there was nothing to gain. I am beyond blessed because I everyday that I wake up, I thank God for putting people in my life who complete me, not question me. Love is still a big question right now, but I am living each day, each beautiful mistake and each lesson as it comes.

At the present moment I find myself in Orlando. A city that I once tried and hated, but oddly have decided to give a second chance maybe not completely by choice, but hey God is working & I trust him. I have been unemployed for almost six months, I had a plan and we all know how plans make our lord laugh out loud. I've had to humble myself and rely on family and friends to help me get through it. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not used to asking for help. I am extremely independent and maybe a little bit stubborn about things like this. I've questioned so much in these past months. I have cried a lot, I have laughed a lot, but each day I'm living. 

I don't know what's going to happen and this more than anything in the world scares me, but I have to let it be. I know that whatever happens I am going to grow from it.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I won't call it a bucket list. These are things that I want to one day own, do, see, experience, live...
This list will grow, things might be altered or even deleted. There are no rules, well just one rule..have fun!

Sing Again
Post on Youtube
Write More
Laugh More
Love More
Masters Degree
Play Mass 2014
New Home
Book club
Published work
Short hair


This is happening today people!!!! That is all.

And so it begins...

This is the end...of an era & the beginning...It's a new start, with a slightly older and wiser me, a few revisions and a fresh new outlook on all that is me & my life & my loves & my likes and maybe even some dislikes. I'm not perfect, there I said it and that's okay, I don't expect me to be perfect, nore do I expect you to expect me to be, but then again I don't care what you think...yup I said that too because in the end the only thing that matters is how I see me. This is how I'll sleep at night, this is how I'll continue to improve myself and how I'll begin to live for me.
I am a woman, a mother, a sister, a friend, a lover, a passionate fighter. I cry, I laugh, I smile, I frown and sometimes if I'm really stressed out I may have an anxiety attack or two. It's okay, I am me and this is my rewrite!