Who's That Girl

I have struggled for two years since I first started blogging to create an about me page. I'm not used to talking about myself..actually my friends & family might say I do that way too much, but here in the blog world readers want to really know what you're about. They want to know what makes you tic, what makes you smile, what makes you cry and what you have accomplished that makes you so great that they should read your blog!

Compared to other blogs that I follow or have read I sometimes feel like I haven't done anything, but then I started to think about how my accomplishments have impacted me and well I've done pretty good for myself. This is my about me, it's not perfect, but neither am I so suck it!

I'm Aisha, an Island girl who loves the city life. I was born & raised in the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands on St.Croix (You should visit). I'm 30 yikes! I'm a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, and yes I'm single but one day hope to be a girlfriend then maybe a wife :) So single mother, check! That's an accomplishment right there. It is hard, but I wouldn't change anything about it. My kiddo is my life, my number one love. NSB

I used to live in Atlanta, GA I loved it there, went to school there, met great friends there, had a baby there & then I got laid off :/ I currently live in Orlando aka All Things Disney. I don't hate it but can't say I love yet just yet. I am also currently sans employment after one too many lay offs / company shutdowns (Recession You Suck major ones right now!) Trying to get into the Human Resource world and put my degree and expert skills to use, but I must admit job hunting sucks! So if any of you lovely readers know someone who knows someone that is looking for an HR profesh I'll be more than happy to send you my resume!

I enjoy singing, writing, sex and ice cream (Not in that order). I am addicted to instagram and all things Scandal! My mother & my sisters are my world - Makidada & Family Over Everything! And because once again I'm not that great at highlighting my accomplishments I'll just rock this thing out with a survey A La Face Book 2007/2008 err or maybe just 21 Questions, those damn surveys are long!!!

1. Are you named after anyone? My mom named me after a princess in an Arabic movie.
2. When was the last time you cried? Really though! Man I've been crying all week, seriously guys. Life is stressful right now, but I'm working on it though.
3. Do you have kids? Only one amazing little human being.
4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Absolutely! I am an amazing friend.
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Guilty as charged! I need to work on that cause sometimes I get mean with it! It's Isha bitch!
6. Will you ever bungee-jump? Before I had my daughter I would've said no doubt. Now I think about the what could go wrong part a little too much to just let go and do it.
7. What's your favorite cereal? Honey Bunches of Oats w/ Strawberries
8. What's the first thing you notice about people? Smile & Appearance I'm a first impression girl even though everyone says I come off as a mean girl when they first meet me.
9. What is your eye colour? Hazel
10. Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings, I am a chick flick kinda gal! Crazy, Drunk, Love :)
11. Favorite smells? I love love love how men's cologne smells! my current obsession is Bvlgari 

12. Summer or winter? Because I'm currently single I'll say summer, but man if I had a cuddle companion...well you know.
13. Computer or television? Computer I can do both with my laptop! Hello Netflix
14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home? USA I guess Iowa would count as the farthest state I've been to.
15. Do you have any special talents? I can sang! Oh and I can tie a knot with a cherry stem hehe!

16. Dream Job / Car / Husband?
If I could be anything in the world I'd be a singer :) but since I missed the bus on that one I would say Events Director for a resort would be an awesome second. Range Rover / Porsche Panamera. Someone who makes me smile the way he does without the strings attached.
17. What are your hobbies? Singing to anything by Beyonce, Instagraming ( I know I know ridiculous) and exploring with the kiddo. I need a life, friends & hobbies so bad!!

19. Favorite movie?16 Candles
20. Do you have any siblings?I have a brother & 2 Makidada's
21. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?

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