Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Days

It has been exciting to see so many posts this month about the first day of school. The first day of school no matter how old you are or whether it’s pre-school, kindergarten, high school or college is a very exciting day for most. This year Nia is in first grade and while she’s been a little luke warm about this school year I know that it’s just a matter of time before she starts babbling on and on about how great her days have been. The most exciting part for me about the start of this school year was no tears!
When she started kindergarten, I was not allowed to walk her to class on her first day. She cried so hard because she had no idea what was going on and I ended up crying too because I felt so bad. I knew that she would be OK, and that they would take good care of her, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to just grab her and run. I’m glad that sometimes we are forced to do certain things in order to grow and learn from them because honestly if it was up to me I would keep Nia in a bubble all to myself. Off course that wouldn’t help her, so off she goes to explore.
I want her to be able to go out there and meet friends and develop into a well-rounded individual. I think all parents want the best of the best for their kids and I am no different. I want her to have an amazing childhood and to continue to grow and experience all that life has to offer. I don’t want her to be limited by anything or anyone. I am working on helping her to be confident and not afraid to take on anything that life throws her and that means me not being afraid of doing things myself.
Nia I have watched you go from a bouncing baby to an amazing little girl. You are beautiful inside and out, so patient and kind and helpful in every way. You are curious about what the world has to offer and so very eager to learn and I hope and pray that you continue on this path to great things. I love you my little butterfly!

Pre-School St.Croix 2011
Nia's First Day of Kindergarten 2012
Nia's First Day of First Grade 2013

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